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Our logo represents the heart and spirit of Polyamory+ Victoria. It features a series of interconnected circles of varying sizes, with a colour palette inspired by the tricolor polyamory pride flag. Together, these elements create a warm and welcoming design, symbolising diversity, inclusiveness, and the values at the core of our community.

Polyamory+ Victoria logoPolyamory+ Victoria logo

At the centre is a larger circle, which represents our welcoming and supportive community. The smaller circles, some touching and others standing alone, symbolise the different relationship styles within the non-monogamous community. Each circle reflects a unique journey—whether it's a solo path, a connection with others, or an exploration of new possibilities. One smaller circle outside the larger one represents those who are curious and interested in joining us, highlighting our openness to newcomers.

Alternatively, the logo can be viewed as a representation of an individual, with the larger circle symbolising a person and the surrounding smaller circles depicting the many ways they connect and relate to others. This interpretation underscores the fluidity and diversity of relationships, celebrating each person's unique experience.

Overall, our logo embodies the essence of who we are: a vibrant, inclusive space where all relationship styles are respected, and everyone is welcome.


Polyamory+ Victoria, formerly known as PolyVic, has a rich history that reflects the evolution of the non-monogamous community in Victoria. The group's origins date back to 2004, when it began with a workshop on polyamory at ConFest, a popular Australian festival. This workshop, attended by members of the Bi Victoria community, sparked interest and led to the formation of PolyVic soon after.

The early days of PolyVic were marked by curiosity and exploration, with workshops and discussion groups focused on navigating jealousy and finding community. The group quickly grew, with socials and discussion groups becoming a regular feature. By 2006, there was a growing interest in polyamory, and PolyVic established itself as a safe, inclusive space for people of all genders, orientations, and identities.

Between 2006 and 2009, PolyVic experienced significant growth, often attracting large crowds to its events. However, as the community expanded, challenges emerged, particularly around maintaining a safe and inclusive environment for all members. The influx of newcomers sometimes led to shifts in the community culture, and managing these dynamics required substantial effort from volunteer leaders.

Throughout its history, PolyVic has been committed to fostering a culture of inclusivity and respect. The group has continuously adapted its guidelines to address the needs of its diverse membership, emphasising consent, safety, and mutual respect. This commitment to a supportive and inclusive environment has been a cornerstone of PolyVic's approach, influencing the formation of similar groups across Australia.

PolyVic also played a pivotal role in supporting and catalysing the growth of other non-monogamous communities, both locally and nationally. Its structured approach to creating safe spaces for vulnerability and social connection has become a model for similar groups around the country.

Today, Polyamory+ Victoria remains dedicated to its mission of providing a welcoming community for all who practise or are curious about ethical non-monogamy, continuing to evolve and grow while staying true to its roots.

Policy & Expectations

At Polyamory+ Victoria, we strive to create an inclusive, respectful, and safer environment for everyone. To maintain this environment, we have established the following policies and expectations:

  1. Respect and Inclusivity:

    We welcome all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or relationship style. Respectful behaviour and acceptance of differences are required from all participants.

  2. Consent Culture:

    We practise enthusiastic, explicit consent in all interactions. This means seeking clear, verbal consent before any physical touch or intimate conversation. Always wait for an enthusiastic "yes" and respect a "no" without question.

  3. Confidentiality:

    We respect the privacy of all participants. Please do not share any identifying details about group members outside the events. This includes names, physical characteristics, or any other distinguishing information.

  4. Pronoun Respect:

    If you haven’t been told someone’s pronouns, default to the person's name or use "they/them." When sharing your pronouns, specify them clearly (e.g., he/him, she/her, they/them). If you use the wrong pronouns and are corrected, thank the person and move on.

  5. Safety and Emotional Well-being:

    We aim to create a safe, supportive space for all. If at any point you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, please signal a "time out", remove yourself from the situation or speak with a volunteer. We encourage open communication and are here to support you.

  6. No Discrimination or Harassment:

    We have a zero-tolerance policy for any form of discrimination, harassment, or abusive behaviour. Violations of this policy will be addressed promptly and may result in removal from the event or community.

  7. Mindful Communication:

    Be aware of your impact on others and avoid dominating discussions. Allow space for others, especially newcomers, to share their perspectives. Practise active listening and constructive dialogue.

  8. Malicious Intent:

    We do not tolerate behaviour motivated by deliberate harm, such as spreading false information, creating divisions, or intentionally causing distress to others. While it is natural to debrief and discuss personal situations as part of community support, we ask participants to be mindful of how interconnected our community is. Share experiences in a way that is constructive, compassionate, and avoids causing unnecessary harm. Always consider the potential impact of your words on others within our close-knit community.

  9. Alcohol and Substance Use:

    Consume alcohol responsibly, and refrain from using illegal substances at events. If you choose to drink, be mindful of your behaviour and its effect on others.

By attending our events, you agree to adhere to these guidelines and contribute to a positive, respectful community. Thank you for helping make Polyamory+ Victoria a safe and welcoming space for all.


We’re thrilled that you’re interested in volunteering with us! Your involvement helps us create a welcoming and vibrant community. Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Read our Policy & Expectations:

    Ensure you have a clear understanding of our expectations.

  2. Join Our Discord Server:

    Join our Discord server where we manage all volunteer activities and discussions.

  3. Complete the Volunteer Application Form:

    After joining the server, please fill out the Volunteer Application Form within 48 hours. If the form isn’t submitted within this timeframe, you’ll be removed from the forum, but you’re always welcome to reapply when you’re ready.

  4. Application Review:

    Our Organisation Leads will review your application. Once reviewed, we will either grant you volunteer access or provide feedback if your application needs adjustments.

  5. Access and Engagement:

    Upon approval, new members start with the general Volunteer Role. Our forum has various access levels managed by roles. Access to some areas depends on your role, experience, engagement and the trust of the lead volunteers.

  6. Areas of Volunteer Contribution:

    Volunteers contribute to a wide range of areas within Polyamory+ Victoria, including:

    • Social Events: Organising and facilitating events.
    • Discussion Groups: Leading and participating in discussions.
    • Marketing: Promoting our initiatives and events, creating promotional material.
    • Website Development: Assisting with website updates, design and maintenance.
    • Social Media: Managing and creating content for our social media channels, including Facebook, and Instagram.
    • Festival Participation: Representing Polyamory+ Victoria at festivals and other public events.
    • And More: Various other roles and tasks to support our community. We are always open to fresh ideas and encourage volunteers to bring their unique skills and passions to help us grow and evolve.

We’re excited to work with you and appreciate your commitment to making Polyamory+ Victoria a supportive and engaging space for all. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us!